Beating Frizzy Hair….The quest for smooth hair starting with my new blow-dryer…I spent two months analyzing blow-dryers after my 7 year old Solano finally gave up. Of course it happened on a day when my hair was especially dirty I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and went to visit my favorite salon. After analyzing the strengths of ceramic versus ionic blow-dryers and discussing the issue with various stylist, I chose the Sedu Revolution 6000i. It is powerful. It has both a cold shot button and an ion switch both of which can be left on or off. has a cold shot button ion on and off. My stylist also suggested adding Kerastase ELIXIR ULTIME a multi use oil to my hair care regime . It is a deep conditioning oil that provides great shine, softness and strength and add helps protect my hair from my daily blowdrying 🙂 I love it!
Tip: I find that I get the smoothest hair when I apply the Keristase gold formula to partially dry hair. Also, if you are not washing your hair the next day, I like to add a little oil to the tips of my hair before I use the dryer to straighten it.
- Emily